Daily Archives: April 19, 2012

Science of Endearment

I see you naked and become
hard as earth’s mantle – save my heart,
the very magma of desire.
Our touching – the discharge of love’s sweet lightning,
that leaps from the dark wonder of silent longing
to that frenzied shimmer of our bare sweating,
our untrammeled grasping, one of the other.  Love!
Your mouth is a universe that howls my name,
a singularity of incandescent kissing,
a spiral nebula that moves
ever endlessly about me.
My tongue is a fiery comet
caught in the orbit of your thighs,
falling, ever falling to your pleasure’s core,
that starburst of nerves, juices, waves.
Farther and further, outward and inward,
we expand in our desire, our love, our feeling.
We become the very essence of light and life
moving toward the cosmos’ zenith,
enclosing within ourselves all that is.
Oh, dearest love!  In our ardor
we become planets, comets, stars,
the very heart of life and light and love.

*    *   *

(c) Gregory V Driscoll  2012